
Heb je een vraag? Neem gerust contact met ons op.


Telefoon: 050 - 36 11 113 (werkdagen van 8.00 - 17.00 uur)



Do you have a question regarding working with Lifelines? Please contact us, we're happy to help you.

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We voorzien media graag van informatie en we behandelen graag verzoeken voor interviews, opnames en beeldmateriaal.

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arts ziekenhuis plastic handschoenen

Make an impact

Your research can have a profound impact on public health and medical advancements. Our extensive dataset and our longitudinal bio-samples enable you to delve into critical health challenges, identify new treatments, and enhance the well-being of individuals and communities. Your work can be a catalyst for change and progress.

Lifelines' biobank allowed me to work on contemporary and topical questions, to add value to practices, and to advance our understanding of the influence of the built environment on humans

Mark Mobach